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Tips and advice for managing problems, following up on employees and improving the working environment


Illustration showing a single orange puzzle piece.

This page is for people who have completed the HelseIArbeid crash course.

Below are some links to more information and places that can help.


General advice

We all experience problems at certain points in our life. Below are some useful advice on how to manage.

Please note that the websites linked to in the text below are all in Norwegian.

What can I do to improve my physical and mental health?

Go to helsenorge.no for information, tips and tools that can help you manage.

Want to change a habit, but need some help? "Lev" offers free, knowledge-based tools and advice about what you can do to improve your health.


Where can I get help for my problems?

Your problems can have several and complex causes. Therefore, the best strategy for coping with your issues could also vary.

In any event, you can start by talking to somebody you trust about how you are doing. Even if this can be difficult, it could also be the first step toward feeling better. 

There are several things that can help: 


What are my rights and duties when I am on sick leave?

If you are placed on sick leave, it can be useful to know what rules apply while you are on leave and what you need to do to receive sickness benefits or other benefits from NAV.

Read more about your rights and duties at nav.no. 


Advice for leaders, union representatives and safety representatives

This is how you can strengthen the working environment and follow up on employees in a good way.

How to follow up on employees out on sick leave

Your follow-up of an employee out on sick leave may have considerable impact on the outcome and duration of the employee’s absence.


How to improve the working environment?

A good working environment promotes good health and well-being, increased motivation and productivity. It could also prevent us getting sick from the job and contribute to a low rate of absence. 

Below are some more useful services and tools that can help your workplace foster an even better working environment. 


How can the Inclusive Workplace Agreement help you?

The actions included in the Inclusive Workplace Agreement (IA) can help you resolve various challenges and situations in the workplace:

  • Resolve a deadlocked case of sickness absence
  • Improve the working environment
  • Reduce a persistently high rate of sickness absence
  • Build the skills of employees on sick leave
  • Help employees cope with the job, even with health concerns
  • Get help from an IA industry programme
  • Establish a good IA collaboration in the workplace
  • Learn more about IA, the working environment and sickness absence
  • Implement useful services in the company’s IA work

Everything you need to know about the Inclusive Workplace Agreement is included in the IA package