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How to execute the crash course on HelseIArbeid

Illustration of a woman standing next to a large question mark.

You do the crash course together in your workplace, and you can do it without any outside assistance.


Prepare the crash course

Familiarize yourselves with the content of the course and agree on who should lead the execution.

Make sure all participants receive the information they need well before the meeting.

Execute the crash course 

Use the presentation provided to take you through the crash course. The presentation includes both videos and exercises. 

Make sure you can play videos with sound in your meeting room. Also remember to bring post-it notes and pens. 

The process is customized for both small and large groups. With a competent meeting leader, it should take 60 minutes to complete.

Get an overview of the contents of the course

Preview the contents of the crash course without taking it.

Start the course

Use this version in the joint meeting with all participants.

Following up on the course

Photo of a list of activities, based on the results from someone completing the HelseIArbeid crash course.

After the course, collect and sort all responses from the participants and add them to a poster, and make them available for the participants.

The point is to create a reminder of what each of us can do to better support each other in the workplace.

Detailed guide for executing the crash course 

Illustration of a list written on a notepad.

To make sure you get the most out of the crash course, we recommend that you follow this step-by-step procedure. 

1. Engagement and preparation

Appoint a team

It is important to involve the employees, so that they know why they are completing the course. 

One way to do this and ensure workplace engagement, is to appoint a team responsible for executing the course.

This team should include a manager, union representatives, the safety representative and/or employee representatives from the workplace. 

This team will be responsible for planning, executing and following up on the crash course. 

Plan the execution of the course together

The team should call a meeting to plan. This will ensure a shared understanding and a good plan for how to execute and follow up on the crash course. 

During this planning meeting you should: 

  • Familiarize yourselves with the contents of the crash course and the process.
  • Write down some points about why you want to do the crash course, and what you want to achieve. You can use this in the invitation you send out to all employees. 
  • Agree on who should lead the course. Normally, this would be the manager. 
  • Choose a time and location for the meeting with all employees. 
  • Send the invitation to all employees. Check out the invitation template and watch the introduction video, which you can include with the invitation. 
  • Agree on a time for a follow-up meeting after the crash course. This meeting should be held as soon as possible, and no later than 2 weeks after the course.


2. Course execution with the employees

You can do the crash course by using a presentation in a browser.

The presentation and process is customized to how many participants are in the meeting, and it will guide you through the meeting.

  • One version for 6 participants or fewer 
  • One version for 7 participants or more

Select the version that fits your situation. 

In case some employees are unable to attend the course, it is also possible for as little as two people to complete the course on their own, and forward their responses to the leader.

What you must prepare before the course

Meeting in person

  • Make sure the meeting room is available for some time before and after the 60 minutes that have been set aside for the course.
  • Make sure the presentation is ready and working. PLEASE NOTE: It is especially important to test that the video playback system in the meeting room works before the meeting starts. 
  • Remember to bring post-it notes and pens to the meeting. 
  • Find a suitable wall to hang the post-it notes on. 

Digital meeting

If you are doing the crash course digitally, there are some technical preparations you have to make.

Depending on which platform you use (e.g. MS Teams, Zoom), it is important to make sure the technical side of things is working as it should. This includes audio, video, and sharing of presentation.

In addition, either before or during the meeting, you must arrange for the participants to do the exercises in the platform’s breakout rooms. Instead of using post-it notes, you can have the participants share their responses in the meeting chat. 

Tips for the person leading the meeting 

You are responsible for leading the meeting. It is important that you feel confident about the execution.

We therefore recommend that you familiarize yourself well with the presentation beforehand. This includes both how the presentation works, and the content of the presentation.

During the meeting, the following will be your most important tasks: 

  • Greet everyone 
  • Introduce and summarize each part and exercise 
  • Keep track of time. This is especially important during activities. 
  • The crash course only has one exercise that is in writing. Once everyone has put up their notes, you must remember to take a photo of all the notes to document the work.

3. Follow-up after the meeting


Following up after the meeting

Do this in the follow-up meeting with the course team:

  • Review and sort the post-it notes from the course 
  • Merge similar responses into a single response 
  • If the crash course was done with a large group and there are many responses, the course team must agree on a selection of no more than 12 responses 
  • Rewrite the responses to specific actions/measures that can be applied during the workday 
  • Make a list of actions you have selected
  • Make the list of actions accessible to everyone in the workplace 

The point of the list is to create a reminder of what each of us can do to better support each other in the workplace. Such as ‘ask someone to grab a cup of coffee’, ‘offer help’, ‘say hello in the morning’.

Small actions like these can make a huge difference in our workplace.

Examples of how to make the actions accessible in the workplace:

  • A list on the intranet (digital) 
  • A physical poster on the wall. You can use the HelseIArbeid poster template. 
  • Write the actions on post-it notes and post these where people can see them.


Examples of how to rewrite a response as an action:


Response on a post-it note: 
Good support at work for me is when someone asks if I need help.

Reformulated into an action:
We ask each other if we can help.​


Response on a post-it note: 
Good support at work for me is when I get constructive feedback.

Reformulated into an action:
We give each other constructive feedback.


Tips and advice for further activities

After you have completed the crash course, some people may want to learn more about coping with problems, following up on employees out on sick leave, and improving the working environment.

You can find useful tips and advice at idebanken.org

Please note that the idebanken.org website is in Norwegian.

You can also download the crash course guide as a PDF if you prefer. 

Help us improve the crash course 

Have you completed the crash course and have suggestions for how it can be even better?

Send us your suggestions via e-mail to post@idebanken.org