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Crash course: HelseIArbeid

Illustration, showing three people standing around a giant lightbulb. One of them is holding the IA-logo aloft.


1-hour workshop on work and health for everyone in the workplace.


After the crash course, we will all...

  • know a bit more about what’s important at work
  • feel more confident about problems that many people struggle with
  • better at supporting each other every day

The crash course is suitable for all workplaces, and the execution of it is customized for both small and large groups.

You can do the crash course without any external help. It is also free.


This is the crash course



You invite everyone to a joint meeting. In the meeting, you do the crash course, including the videos and exercises.

The crash course takes 60 minutes to complete, and it has the following parts:

1. What is important for us in order to thrive at work

  • Video
  • Discussion in pairs

2. The most common problems that lead to health-related absences

  • Video: Back problems and back pain 
  • Video: Mental health issues
  • Discussion in pairs

3. How can we support each other even better?

  • Video
  • Reflective activity 
  • Sharing with the group/everyone

After the meeting:

Collect all the responses from the exercise on how to better support each other.

Add them to a list that everyone has access to.

This list can be a reminder of the things we can do for each other every day.

Why did we make the HelseIArbeid crash course?

HelseIArbeid is about helping more people succeed with work, even when experiencing health problems.

HelseIArbeid was developed by NAV and the health sector, and it is one of the measures incorporated into the Inclusive Workplace Agreement (IA). 

One of the services offered in HelseIArbeid is the company initiative for workplaces. This initiative includes information and various exercises that are provided by NAV and health services to individual workplaces. 

This initiative is still under development and not available to every business.

That is why we have developed a crash course, a compressed version based on the original company initiative. The crash course is available to every workplace everywhere. 

The intention is to make more workplaces a little bit more knowledgeable about common health complaints and what we need in the workplace.

HelseIArbeid also includes an individual initiative for people who need medical evaluations by specialist health services.

Check out the research behind HelseIArbeid

HelseIArbeid is knowledge-based, and the foundation is broad. The crash course is based on this knowledge.

Here is an overview of the research we have based HelseIArbeid on. 

Please be adviced that this overview is in Norwegian.

Help us improve the crash course 

Have you completed the crash course and have suggestions for how it can be even better?

Send us your suggestions via e-mail to post@idebanken.org